Saturday, 9 August 2014

Mini thoughts - Vengeance

I know that I'm a few months late to the party but I wanted to discuss a couple of the models that have become available to Menite players like myself in the most recent Warmachine Expansion, Vengeance. The two models I want to discuss are eReznik and Tristan Durant. Again I know the rules for these guys are old news now and all but with the models themselves only recently released (and my eagerness to buy them next week driving my planning) I wanted to give my opinion. 

Reznik, Rock of Ages

Yes, I know it's Wrath not Rock but how can I pass that up? And speaking of things too good to pass up:

Oh my word that's a nice merciless fanatical warlord. I'm a big fan of the prime version of Reznik, he's a no nonsense face smashing force of destruction that makes your enemies into Wracks. The new version is the first Warmachine battle engine caster (second overall with Lylyth3 as the first with her elk sled). I don't think anyone could dispute that this is a lovely model adding a totally new dimension to a caster while retaining his intimidating style. What is in question to some extent is the playstyle for the newest addition to the Protectorate. 

The first thing to consider, and it's hard to ignore is that Resnik is Huge. Like literally. That's a Huge base meaning 1) he can get a lot of models in his arc (especially since that badass spear has reach) 2) his control and command are augmented by his huge-osity 3) he is a great target for our enemies and he's impossible to screen with anything short of a collosal or battle engine. 4) charge lanes become a bit tricky on a crowded board especially since, unlike Lylyth's sled, we don't get trample. This is big, tactically and will certainly have a big effect on positioning though a healthy SPD 7 isn't bad for getting about on the board. At least his special rule Lamentations of Suffering means so long as he's camping one focus non magical ranged attacks automiss as well as the customary ARM boost, which hopefully will help him stay alive. 

The original Reznik was a melee caster of the first rate, more than capable of winning pretty much any scrap he got himself into. Epic Reznik is clearly meant to be played aggressively too. His Take Down and Flame Burst special rules are there for smashing people up and with only one offensive spell it's all about breaking faces in close combat. 

Speaking of spells the big guy on the chariot has a very different approach to his younger self. Engine of Destruction is gone replaced by Creators Wrath, which costs 2 but boosts all melee attack and damage rolls and gives him effective Blessed to crack magically defended foes. EoD is a devastating spell and CW seems to lack the same level of offensive punch but I think that this spell can also be potent if applied correctly. On the charge both Reznik and his mount will get boosted attacks and if you then buy one or more you've easily got your money back on the spell, plus with the chariot's speed you have an innate EoD style speed boost from the original and while you're not getting +4 to MAT and STR you are getting +d6 meaning you could potentially have an extra 6 on each. Add in the fact you ignore spells adding to the DEF or ARM of your enemy and it's a potentially destructive combo! 

In addition to this eRez has 3 other upkeepable buffs. Lamentation (forcing your opponents spells to cost twice their focus or fury) is very useful on a caster who's more likely to be up the field and in people's faces. Iron Aggression makes a lovely return as one of the best Jack buffs in the game (in my humble opinion) to allow your jack boosted attacks and free charges, slams and tramples so long as you upkeep for 1 focus. Interestingly unlike his former version this Reznik has a very nice unit buff in Death March, granting a unit +2 MAT (nice) and Vengence, making one unit hard hitting and responsive, and meaning that this version wants at least one unit in there to enjoy the benefits. In addition to these buff spells however Reznik is also packing a single offensive spell called The Flesh is Weak, which is a 4" AOE at POW 12 and RNG 8 that causes the models (not unit) hit to be unable to run or charge (living and undead only, so no constructs) putting a crimp in your opponent's counter offensive but at a pricy 3 focus (the cost of all of the spells except CW) it seems like a last resort but a good ace up your sleeve. 

All of this is all well and good but what gets me salivating is the feat. And oh boy it's a good one. First off all enemy models in his control range get -2 DEF. On it's own that's very nice against some armies like Cryx where our weapon masters only want to connect to do some serious damage. We're not stopping there though, oh no. On top of that every enemy model also becomes a powderkeg waiting to take down their colleagues in a blaze of glory to the Creator. Yes, that's right every boxed enemy (by a melee or ranged attack) in control explodes in a 4" AOE that causes a POW 12 fire damage roll (not blast damage for those immune but it is fire meaning some models will shrug it off entirely) and then the model is RFP meaning no corpses or souls and any disabled or destroyed effects won't activate! Hilarious and great for clearing out swathes of infantry this feat will make and alpha strike that could leave your opponent crippled. 

I for one am seriously looking forward to putting this big guy on the table one I get him built and painted and figure out what to bring along with him!

Initiate Tristan Durant

If you're a warmachine fan and you haven't already I strongly recommend getting a copy of the Rites of Passage anthology from Skull Island Expeditions as it gives a great insight into each of the new novice casters. Lucky me the narrative for Durant paired him with the High Executioner, one of my favourite casters. I love the idea of the novice casters and this is another model I'm keen to try out. Plus it doesn't hurt the model is so nice:

Tristan comes with 4 focus, a very squishy stat line, a couple of spells and a very interesting special rule. First things first 4 extra focus for 3 points is nothing to sniff at especially in an army already teeming with jack support all of which will buff Tristan's jacks as readily as anyone else's. 

The spells are pretty solid. One is a 2 point upkeepable ARM boost that also stops the jack and models B2B immune to knock down, push and slam effects. The other is an old favourite Immolation but the 4 FOC means the accuracy of the attack is unreliable at best. 

As far as I'm concerned one of the more interesting things about the Protectorate's future caster is True Sight. It's pretty wasted on Tristan since his only ranged attack is Immolation (which as I stated above is low accuracy and only actually gains 3" of threat vs stealth but will take any advantage over DEF buffs it can). I've read a few people bemoaning this addition to the journeyman and I understand but why I'm pleased with it is because he's a journeyman. That means there's a good chance that we'll soon have a fully fledged warcaster with a full repertoire of spells and abilities and then True Sight can come into it's own. It's not a special rule that's especially great now but it is a promise of a very interesting development that's coming. 

As far as battlegrouping goes I've heard some people talking about a Tristan/Judy combo, especially with the harbinger to keep him alive - that seems to be quite a popular idea. I can't deny the appeal and that it had definitely occurred to me too. However I think I'll mostly use Tristan to bring the Redeemer to the table more often. It's an expensive jack to run and most casters don't want to be pouring that much energy into a light. But a free 4 focus to keep it fully stocked and bombarding the enemy every turn without having any impact on the caster's valuable reserves? Yes, please. I have a nice idea for a pKreoss list with this combo for a nice pop 'n' drop salvo that still leaves all of the High Exemplar's focus intact. Delicious. 

All in all these are two models I'm itching to try out and I can't wait to slap them on the board and tell you all about it. 


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