Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Journeyman League - Week 3

The league continues! This week I managed to squeeze in a final battle box game with my best friend and long time gaming partner who'd decided on pirate mercs after a toss up between them and Cyriss. 

His force contained Bart, a Mariner, a Freebooter and a Buccaneer. The list has a serious flaw at battlebox level since the Mariner needs to be B2B with a friendly warrior model to fire its big gun and that left it stuck to the caster all game and limited its shooting capability. He managed first blood by knocking down my Repenter and getting the charge with his Buccaneer but this left the two of them focus-less-ly waving their weapons at each other for the rest of the game. The Freebooter got the charge in on the Dervish but didn't do much damage but did manage to leave the light exposed to a charge from Feora with EoD the next turn that trashed the jack. This left my back arc exposed to the Mariner who moved up close and took a shot (forcing Bart to move right up too) but failed to kill Feora who walked into combat with Bart and knocked him down to one box but failed to kill him. Luckily I feated to set him on fire and this polished him off in his own turn after he failed the Tough. 

This was between regular League sessions and on the regular night everyone was bumped up to 15 points which allowed me to shift to:

Feora, Priestess of the Flame +6
Vanquisher - 8
Dervish - 4
Repenter - 4
Minimum Choir - 2
Vassal of Menoth - 2
Wracks - 1

This gave me much more support for the army and let me boost my jacks up nicely. Unfortunately due to some personal stuff I was taking care of I was late to the night and everyone was pretty much paired off. I only managed to get 2 games in instead of the three I was hoping for and both games were quite short thanks to the skill level of the guys I got games with. 

My first game was a very shooty Legion army with pLylyth, a Ravagore, a Nephalim Bolt Thrower, Shredder and he'd added a Totem Hunter for the 15 points. We decided to continue playing without a direct scenario and the board we were using had a large hill in the centre. I started very poorly and very much gave up the initiative and the hill which allowed Feora to get shot up, resulting in a critical knockdown/push from the bolt thrower which opened up the charge for the Totem Hunter who'd put pray on her to secure the assassination very early on. 

Following this I played one of the most experienced players in the league (who I'd played in the preleague). His list comprised of pThags, 3 Warspears, two shredders, and a Carnivean. The Warspears ate away my choir in the first turn (they'd Passag'd the jacks) and the Carni breathed fire to bring my Vassal to 1 box. I retaliated with a charge on his heavy with both the Dervish and EoD Feora but he had Spiny Growth on and my damage rolls were too scattered to even take down an aspect never mind kill the thing and so I was horribly exposed. The Carni head butted her for the knock down and opened up the tiniest crack of a charge lane to allow Thags to polish her off leaving me on 2 losses for the night. 

The games I had were instructively painful and the guys I played were both sporting and their armies were impressivly destructive. I'm looking forward to having games against some slightly less out-of-my-league players next week and seeing where I land on the scores after being bumped down to second!


1 comment:

  1. Nice write up Matt ☺
    Great to see you flying the Menoth torch!
