Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Journeyman League 2 - Week 2

Hi everyone! It's week 2 of the journeyman league! Unlike last time (somewhere in the bowels of the archive) we're just playing with the standard JML schedule. That means that this week we went up to 15 points including the starting battlegroup. So I had a total of 4 points to spend. So I added some support models:

pVayl +6
-Scythean -9
-Seraph -9
-Shredder -2
Shepherd -1
Spell Martyr -1

So basically I added the Shredder to be a fury and transfer battery as well as including Tenacity in my list. The shepherd was a given since it's such a utility piece. That left me with a single point to spend and I lumped for a spell martyr. I'm really glad I did. 

Anyway once I had my list prepared I got down to the game store and managed to get myself another three games. Here they are:

Game One

My first game of the night was against Jayke, my long time gaming buddy and Hall of Legends writer. He's been interested in Skorne for a while and so he was using the JML to shift into them, for a while at least. His list was Morghoul with a Gladiator, a Brute, a Savage and had added a minimum unit of Paingivers and an Agoniser. A pretty solid list. We decided to play Outflank, since Jayke had some fancy zones. I took the first turn and we both moved up the board. On my turn two I managed to run the spell Martyr up the board to near the Gladiator and then boosted a Rampager into it, pulling it out and turning it backwards, away from the Scythean. With Incite up I managed to one round the heavy and then used the feat to pull back. Without the Rush animus the wall that Jayke was using to cover his models became a real impediment to his beasts. Despite this, one of the Cyclops managed to get in on the Scythean, doing loads of damage but failing to get the kill. Morghoul moved up and managed to get both of my beasts in his feat. Luckily I was able to pull them both back and clear off the Cyclops and the Agoniser. I'd also managed to secure one zone for two turns to take the scenario lead. Jayke decided that this was a bad situation and went for an assassination. He measured Morghoul's control and it was going to be close. He ran one Cyclops up to block off the Seraph and the paingivers ran to surround the Sythean so I couldn't use dark sentinel. Unfortunately when it came to the charge Morghoul was just short and so decided to call the game since he felt that there was no way to bring the game back in his favour. So I managed to get myself another win with Vayl! 

Game Two

My second game was against Luke, who had shifted back into Circle for the JML and was using pKaya with a Feral Warpwolf and a Pureblood in the battlegroup and had added a unit of Shifting Stones with UA for 15 points. Again I took the first turn and after we both moved up I was able to repeat my sneaky performance from the previous game, running the Spell Martyr up to get Rampager on the Feral, dragging it up to the threat range of the Scythean who, with the help of a few shots from the Seraph, managed to one round it and then pull back with the feat. Luke then went to dominate one of the zones (we were still playing Outflank). The Feral failed to spray the Shepherd that was contesting the zone, forcing Kaya to zap her. Between that and two Spirit Doors (to bring Kaya up and then pull the Pureblood back) even with the feat Kaya was only camping one. On my turn I had Vayl slipstream the Scythean up and then incited, catching a stone, Kaya and the Pureblood. With Chiller as well the Scythean charged into Kaya and managed to kill her after hitting both initials at dice plus 6 and then clearing her off with the chain attack, using my last fury to get the final hit. This was another fun game, and got me another win with this pretty broken list!

Game Three

My final game of the night was against Ben, who's always given me a good run for my money when we've played. He was also playing Skorne, but with a completely different battlegroup to Jayke, featuring Xerxis, an Aradus Sentinel, a Savage and a Krea, and had added a min unit of Paingivers and a feralgeist to bring his list up to 15 points. I took first turn again, and we both shuffled forwards (and the Sentinel cranked a damage roll on a blast on my Scythean). I then ran my spell martyr up again and pulled out the Aradus, turning it backwards again to give my Scythean the +2 and then I put up Incite. Unfortunately, though, despite the charge my damage rolls were so poor that I left it with a few boxes. I was still able to pull back with the feat, though. Next turn the Aradus turned around and got a nice shot off on the Scythean, directly hitting and getting more damage on it. The Cyclops managed to trash my Objective, clearing a line for the Krea to advance up and also shoot the Scythean, paralysing it. On my turn Vayl moved right up and slipstreamed the Scythean, giving it enough movement to get all three of Ben's warbeasts in its Melee range. With incite and chiller I managed to kill the Aradus, then the Savage and then reduce the Krea to a single box. The Skorne retaliation featured Xerxis taking out the Scythean with two attacks under the feat, freeing up a lane for the Krea to charge Vayl. The paingivers moved B2B with Xerxis for the armour buff and then healed the Krea. It charged Vayl but my Shredder advanced up with Dark Sentinel and managed to do just enough damage to finish him off before he could attack. On my turn I had Vayl boost a Hoarfrost into Xerxis, hitting and getting the critical stationary. This allowed me to clear off the two paingivers giving the armour buff. I then used my last two fury to throw a Malice at Xerxis, doing a touch more damage. The Seraph moved up and rolled for four Strafes, easily hitting the stationary target and boosting all 4 damage rolls, taking down his health gradually. The Shredder then went rabid and advanced into Xerxis, taking both attacks but managing to spike the damage rolls just enough to finish him off. Another win!


Another successful week, getting me another 9 journeyman points for my wins. I'm consistently impressed with what Vayl brings to the table with her impressive array of buffs and boosts. Considering the Spell Martyr was in the list as a throw-away point filler he more than made his inclusion up, getting me three seperate, critical rampagers off that let me capitalise and take a heavy off the table! I'm less certain about what I want to include in my list next week, when we go up to 25 points. More beasts? A unit? Only time will tell! Stay tuned for more!

As always thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out the Facebook page and 'like' for regular post updates, photos and more at www.facebook.com/Mitsuharuonminis 


1 comment:

  1. Cool report mate, Rampager is very good indeed, don't forget to attack with the beast, don't know if you did, but you can fire the gun off a ranged beast, Ardus effectively giving you boosted damage!
