Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Mirsuharu on Bat Reps - Learning Legion- Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight vs. Madrak Ironhide, World Ender

Hey guys and welcome to the latest of my Learning Legion Bat Reps. This week, following on from my practice game with Saeryn, I was trialing my other list for the tournament, eLylyth! The list I've  gone for was:

eLylyth +5
-Succubus -2
-Ravagore -10 
-Ravagore -10
-Typhon -12
-Naga Nightlurker -5
-Bolt Thrower -6
-Shredder -2
Deathstalker -2
Deathstalker -2
Shepherd -1
Shepherd -1
Foresaken -2
Objective - Bunker

My opponent this week was Mike, whose Trolls have been featured in some of my previous reports and whose Khador was my first proper Legion game. This week he was also trying out something new with eMadrak. The list was mostly battlegroup and included a Pyre Troll, two Impalers, two Axers and two Bombers, two Champion Heros and some whelps. The scenario we rolled was Outflank and I won the roll to go first. I took first turn and deployed with Lylyth central, a Ravagore and shepherd on either side of her, Typhon and his Foresaken on my far right and the Naga on my left. Mike deployed with his battlegroup in a rough line, with the bombers in the rear and the Pyre troll In the middle. 

I had everything run up this turn, also putting out Shadow Pack and Tenacity on Lylyth, and having the Foresaken take one off Typhon to keep my Fury balanced. 

Mike took his turn and had Madrak put up Killing Ground and Warpath and then advance up, followed by his beasts who were able to run for free, moving up the board. 

On my turn Madrak was sat on a one camp and was exposed to my many guns. The Succubus started the turn by putting Dragon's Fire on Lylyth from the nearby Ravagore and she moved up, feated and started pinging shots into the World Ender. He transferred away his one Fury and took some damage. The Deathstalkers and the Naga used their shots to kill the Hero in 1" of Madrak, removing grim salvation and then both Ravagores took two shots into Madrak, forcing 3 successful tough checks! With nothing left to shoot him I had Typhon move up and multiple spray an Impaler. Luckily on the next turn the fire didn't go out and Madrak finally failed a tough getting me the win!

This showcased for both of us the incredible threat that Lylyth can give you on the board if you're not careful with your caster. Since the game was over so fast we decided to reset the game and try it again. I won the roll to go first again and deployed in almost the exact same way, while Mike turtled up Madrak a lot more on his side of the board. 

My first turn went pretty much exactly the same as last time, Lylyth put up Shadow Pack and tenacity on herself. The rest of the guys all ran up, taking positions near the zones. 

Mike had his front row of Trolls run up, taking board space, but having Madrak hold further back and only putting up Killing Ground and not Warpath, flanking him with both Heros in the rear to make him much more survivable. 

I took my feat at the top of turn two, having Lylyth taking all three of her shots on the Pyre Troll whose cont. fire and immunity fire were intimidating to my Ravagores and Lylyth. The Bolt thrower then moved up and also took a chunk out of the Pyre troll, pushing it back an inch. One Ravagore took out an Impaler with its two double boosted shots. The other Ravagore took shots on the Axer to my right, also double boosting but not quite killing it. The Naga moved up and into the zone. On my right flank Typhon charged the other Impaler and tore it to pieces with its attacks before putting up his animus. The feat spray nicked one of the heroes and forced a tough check. The Foresaken then moved up and gobbled up the excess Fury. 

On Mike's turn he had the Axer take some swings on Typhon, who took a bunch of damage but healed 3 back. The Bomber then moved over to him and made a two handed throw on Typhon, aiming him at the Foresaken. It was too far to hit her but scattered to one side, knocked down. He took 3 damage but then immediately healed it back again. The Pyre troll threw at Lylyth, getting a lucky deviation, clipping her (I forgot evasive) and setting her on fire, but failing to do any damage. The bomber on my left flank advanced into the zone and threw at Lylyth but it deviated off harmlessly. Each of the Heroes advanced up, one moving into the zone on my left. Madrak then went and used his feat, allowing both bombers and the Pyre troll to take shots at Lylyth, failing to hit her with any deviations. 

On my turn the fire went out, hilariously, keeping Lylyth safe. I reaved all the fury in and forced Typhon to stand up and then charge the Bomber with him, trying to clear the zone. It took all of his initial attacks and bought attacks but did manage to kill it. The full Foresaken then charged the whelp smashing its face in to clear out the zone and net me a control point. On the other flank the Deathstalkers took shots on the hero taking up space in the zone, forcing a tough check but failing to kill him. The Ravagore moved up to the other bomber, trying to clear that zone for Lylyth to dominate. He made a double handed throw on the heavy but failed the contested strength check despite having the extra die. The Bolt Thrower and Lylyth managed to finish off the Pyre troll between them. 

On Mike's turn he didn't have a whole lot left on the board. He had his Axer charge the Bolt Thrower sat in the back of the zone, but because he'd charged out of Madrak's control area he couldn't force for boosts or extra attacks, meaning he couldn't do too much damage. The previously knocked down hero in the zone to my left stood up and moved to engage a Deathstalker and take up real estate in the zone. The remaining Bomber activated and threw the Ravagore in revenge, leaving it stranded on the far side of the zone, but missing the naga he'd aimed for. The other Axer advanced up to threaten Lylyth. Madrak ended the turn by advancing up the board to get everyone back in his control. 

On my turn I decided to go chips in on the assassination. Typhon, who was out of control range, managed not to frenzy making it a safer bet. Lylyth managed to take a few shots into Madrak, forcing him to lose one transfer and take a little damage. The Foresaken went and took 3 fury off the full Typhon leaving him on one. The character heavy then turned and walked into Madrak, hitting with all 3 initial attacks at dice damage and buying a fourth to put him on no transfers, killing the lead Axer in the process. This freed up the Ravagore to advance into melee with the caster too, taking the charge in exchange for a free strike from the hero. I'd thrown up Tenacity and was hoping he'd miss or not do too much damage. I was wrong. He hit and the damage dice came up:

Ouch. Luckily the spiral (2) was literally the perfect one for me leaving the Ravagore battered but alive: 

The boosted charge attack missed but the second attack hit, forcing a tough check. He passed and I used the final fury to buy one last attack, auto hitting and auto triggering tough. This time the die came back a '4' and netted me a second assassination win. 

I really enjoyed these two games and they gave me a fun intro (less fun for Mike, I imagine) to eLylyth. She was surprisingly easier than I thought she'd be and I feel like this game has set me up to play a bit quicker on the clock. Retrospectively I should probably have gone for clearing out the zones and won on control instead of going chips in on a reasonable but not guaranteed assassination run. This'll be important to keep in mind at the tournament - not to get stuck into a single game plan. The tournament is this Sunday and I'm feeling pretty confident going in to it. I don't have any expectation of winning overall but I do think I can play competitively and hopefully win a couple of games. More importantly though, is getting practice with these lists in a competitive setting. But only time will tell how I do so stay tuned!

As always thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out the Facebook page and 'like' for regular post updates, photos and more at www.facebook.com/Mitsuharuonminis 


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