Monday, 29 June 2015

Mitsuharu on Bat Reps - Learning Legion - Saeryn, Omen of Everblight vs Vayl, Disciple of Everblight

Hi wargamers, welcome back to the latest Mitsuharu on bat reps! There's been a little change of plans with my lists for this week. I've been easing myself in over the past few weeks using Thagrosh since he's a bit more forgiving. On Sunday, though, I agreed to go to a medium sized local tournament. In two weeks. Not much prep time. I decided this would be a great time for a crazy trial by fire using some more competitive lists, but I'm probably only going to get one more practice game using my second list after this week before I'm thrown in the deep end! I threw together a couple of lists and then spent a day tweaking and refining them until I was happy. The first list I tried out was a Saeryn list:

Saeryn +5
-Angelius -9
-Angelius -9
-Scythean -9
-Scythean -9
-Raek -4
-Shredder -2
Foresaken -2
Foresaken -2
Deathstalker -2
Deathstalker -2
Spell Martyr -1
Spell Martyr -1
Maximum Spawning Vessel -3
Objective - Bunker

The list is pretty flexible and takes advantage of Saeryn's abilities well, when played correctly (spoiler alert). The game I got this week was against Nick, who was able to offer me some really helpful hints and tips about match ups and list options. He was also trying a new list, using pVayl in tier 4. This included a Succubus, a Scythean, two Ravagores, a Seraph and a Shredder in the battlegroup along with two shepherds, two minimum units of hex hunters, one with Bayal, and a Max Spawning Vessel. We rolled out Destruction and Nick won first turn, letting me pick board edge. 

Nick deployed first with his heavies all base to base in the centre of his zone, with the Spawning Vessel to his right with the first unit of Hex Hunters. On my side I deployed with Saeryn near a handy not in kill box wall on my right flank, the beasts paired up in the middle and the Vessel off to my left flank. The second unit of hex hunters ADed in a divided front line and my Deathstalkers sat in the forest opposite most of the infantry and waited. 

Nick took his first turn and ran everything up the board, getting everything toe in on the zone. The Hex Hunters he advance deployed ran up to form a screening line for the beasts. The Vessel plodded up the board. Vayl dropped a bunch of Fury and then ran to get up the board alongside her beasts. 

On my turn I made a huge misplay. I ran my Scytheans up, also getting one in the zone and the other just behind it, followed by the Angels moving right up behind them. Saeryn put Respawn on one of the Angels and then threw a blight bringer on the lead Scythean, putting out the awkward AOE and killing a hex hunter. One of my Deathstalkers killed a hex hunter and the other was just outside the stealth range of the other unit. My Vessel advanced up around the forest in front of them. Notice the big, big mistake? Yep I moved right up and did not feat. I completely pulled a blank. I hadn't been thinking of a turn one feat and it didn't even occur to me as an option until Nick pointed it out (after my turn, he's no fool). So I was up and exposed and undefended. Awesome. 

Nick was more than happy to take advantage of my stupidity. He had Vayl go and put up Incite and nudge back to just get both the Scytheans in its effect. Then he put Chiller on Bayal's unit of Hex Hunters who advanced all up in my grill, giving -2 to the two Scytheans and even killing one spell martyr. His Scythean then activated and used the free charge from Fuel Cashe to charge the front Scythean, getting the other in reach. Despite really poor dice rolls he killed the first and left the second with only a couple of boxes. The pot then activated and the attendants chucked each other into the broth to spawn a Stinger, which advanced up and finished off the second Scythean with a poison charge. One of the Ravagores took a shot on an Angel, getting the hit and doing reasonable damage and setting it on fire. The Hex Hunters locked up the Deathstalkers on the flank, killing one of them. This was Nick's feat turn, too, so he was able to back up after the alpha; shifting his battlegroup back out, apart from the Seraph who advanced into the Angel to lock him up. 

On my turn the fire on the Angel went out and I healed a point off it and upkept Respawn, to keep it viable. My spell martyr moved up to get close to the Hex Hunters. The Vessel on my side of the table also killed each other, creating a harrier, who charged the Hex Hunter locking down the Deathstalker. Saeryn went and pinged off a Breath Stealer on the unit of Hex Hunters with Chiller, but failed the to hit roll, missing completely, so she settled for using her feat to keep me safe (like I should have last turn!) now immune to free strikes the front Angelius charged the Scythean, hitting the Armour Pierce for a decent whack of damage. I then bought another attack, targeting the nearby Shepherd, hoping to be able to Overtake to lock up both Ravagores, but missed the attack roll. The Raek stepped in, or rather jumped in, leaping over the screening line of hex hunters to tie up the Ravagores. My second aAgel charged the Seraph, missing the boosted AP attack and so was only able to do minor damage to it with a bought second. The Shredder advanced up to take out the Hex Hunter near Saeryn with rabid. The Deathstalker moved back, into the forest and killed another hex hunter, missing the snap fire shot, though. 

Nick was now unable to hit most of my stuff and was locked up for shooting. He started by having one Ravagore move backwards, taking the Raek free strike, but only suffering minor damage to the heavy beast. It then took a shot at my spawned Harrier, hitting and killing it instantly and setting the objective on fire. Vayl then advanced up, using Rampager to move the advance Angel up, behind his own lines, and out of my control area, making it vulnerable to melee again, before proceeding to just finish it off with all his Scythean's attacks. It then Respawned in Vayl's back arc, much to Nick's annoyance since he'd forgotten the spell. To make up for it he spawned another Stinger from the pot who then finished off the Respawned beast. The other Ravagore moved to be in my way and keep the Raek locked down. The remaining hex hunters kept advancing up the board and generally making a nuisance of themselves. 

On my turn things were looking pretty dire. Vayl, though, had exposed herself to get off the Rampager last turn. It would take some lucky dice, since she had 4 transfers, but it was just barely doable. I had my long shot Hail Mary ready. I started by checking Vayl. She was too far away for a Deathspur throw. So I had the remaining Angel turn around and fly to melee with her, taking three free strikes from the Stinger and two hex hunters. They did minor damage to it, but scattered across various spirals. Then the Scythean used Dark Sentinel to move up and try to block the Angel, but couldn't stop it attacking. The Scythean took its attack but failed to cripple anything. The Armour pierce hit and did a bunch of damage. I boosted another hit and forced a transfer. The Raek moved up to get reach on Vayl while staying in the arc of the Ravagore. It attacked and forced another transfer, missing one attack. I had Saeryn move up and cast Blight Bringer on the Raek, forcing another transfer from the AOE. She had one transfer left and only a couple of boxes but I was out of models. The Vessel moved up as far as it could and killed a Bearer to spawn a Harrier, it charged at Vayl hoping to hard roll the hits, but came up short. 

I'd had to advance Saeryn up into the Seraph and two Hex Hunters, including Bayal, to get the range for the blight bringer and had maxed out almost all of my beasts except the Lessers. The Bayal Hex Hunters activated and charged. Two of them killed the Shredder, denying the transfer and then Bayal hit with his Shadow Bind weapon master. I transferred, killing the Harrier. Between Chiller and Shadow Bind, though, the Seraph had no problem finishing off Saeryn with two attacks, giving Nick the assassination victory. 

This was a hard fought game and I think I managed to do a pretty good job of recovering after disastrously failing to feat on turn one. This was just the kick I needed from the practice game to demonstrate what not to do, and hopefully it'll be a big help when I'm playing competitively. Nick was a big help and gave sage wisdom throughout the game as he normally does and was generally a good sport throughout. 

Hopefully the hints and tips he gave me will help me to play a bit more competitively come the tournament! Join me next week for my hasty practice game with my other list, where I'll try and be marginally less inept!

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