Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year - What's coming up

Hi blogosphere. Mitsuharu on Minis took a bit of an unexpected holiday break over the last few weeks! But no worries I'm happy to tell you I'm back and will be getting deep into the hobby in the coming weeks. I'll be happy to report it as I go. 

My hobby club is starting to run regular Warmachine tournaments, with the next one being in mid February. I'm going to be playing some practice games. Principally with Intercessor Kreoss (since I caved went into cavalry as part of my Christmas this year). I'll be posting my battle reports and thoughts on my lists as I develop them; as well as obviously the tournament itself once it's all done. 

Also come February I'll also be getting a batch of new models for my Legion as well so I'll post some more painting updates then too. 

Look forward to my first battle report using Intercessor Kreoss in a couple of days time!


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