The first list I'll be using is the Intercessor Kreoss list I've been developing over the last few weeks, which has undergone a much bigger shift following my last game against Nick. This started out as quite a heavy list that mashed armour but struggled against infantry swarms. I like a good skew list as much as the next guy but in a more competitive setting versatility is always the heart of the game. Luckily I felt that the two games I've had (both of which were very infantry heavy) the list didn't perform too badly and so isn't exactly auto-lose as is. Having said that I'm hoping that with a few changes it'll be much more well rounded. What I've got so far is:
Intercessor Kreoss +5
-Vanquisher -8
-Reckoner -8
Min Choir -2
Vassal of Menoth -2
Nicia, Tear of Vengence -3
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord -2
Covenant of Menoth -2
Wracks -1
Vassal Mechanic -1
Daughters of Menoth -5
Max Exemplar Vengers -11
Max Exemplar Errants with UA -10
This list has sacrificed the quality of the Avatar for the quantity of Errants. The Errants are in the list for two reasons, firstly to tag with Rhupert to create a Tough unit that's hard to shift from contesting, and also to pump out attacks between weaponmaster melee and quick work, hopefully balancing the list more vs infantry. To further throw a spanner in the works the Covenant of Menoth can also stop the Errants that do tough from being knocked down, making them a real pain for my opponent. Maintaining the Menoth Jam the Daughters with Holy Ward are very hard for anyone who can't boost, and even then they've got a decent chance of dodging a hit. With the Errants in the list the Vengers are freed up to be able to move around to be wherever they're most needed, keeping them in reserve. Hopefully this means they can hit where they can do most damage. Nicia is in the list to help deal with troublesome solos. The two jacks along with the vassals and choir are an obvious choice, both having good ranged attacks as well as decent melee options, and both can make good use of Warpath.
The really interesting question in 2015 is which of the objectives goes best with the list? Arcane Wonder seems like a good option, but I find that Kreoss is either up keeping or allocating and even though he has lots of upkeeps he doesn't need the focus assist much anyway. Effigy of Valour and Armoury aren't much use to this list. Stockpile is nice but Covenant covers most of that functionality. Fuel Cashe is a nice ability that the list can use well but I'd prefer it in my second list and don't want to repeat myself where possible. So that leaves Bunker. This one has Impervious Flesh, making it more difficult to destroy at range, forcing the enemy to move towards my force, potentially giving me a greater chance for a strong first strike. Also this objective has the Girded ability, making this a nice out for my Daughters:- by jamming this objective it removes one of their biggest weaknesses in blast damage making their DEF 17 daunting to overcome. So I think Bunker's the way to go.
Now the second list I'm planning to use has changed a couple of times too, without being played, mainly because of character restrictions having an effect when I made changes to my Kreoss list. List two is an eFeora list:
eFeora +6
-Bonded Judicator -18
-Reckoner -8
Vassal of Menoth -2
Wracks -1
Vassal Mechanic -1
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution -3
Dartan Vilmon -3
Saxon Orrik -2
Gorman Di Wulfe -2
Min Choir -2
Max TFG with UA -8
Min Zealots with UA -6
This list is a very different build to the Kreoss list, but is based on more solid principles, and a playstyle that I've had more practice with. The TFG and Zealots are in the list with a dual purpose, firstly they jam the board and generally make a nuisance of themselves, being hard to shift out of zones or away from flags (Dartan is in the list to compound this further). Secondly on their mini-feat turns the TFG can poke each other with flame pikes with little chance of killing and the zealots can bathe in Judicator flamethrower to get a whole bunch of cont. fire on the board for Feora to play with using her own feat. Saxon Orrik is in the list to dole out pathfinder to the TFG who are slow enough without getting trapped in difficult terrain. Gorman and Eiryss are in the list to generally cause my opponent issues. The choir, wrack and vassal options are all fairly standard to support the jack load out. In this list I opted for the Judicator as a collosal is always fun to put on the table, and Feora's warjack bond only cranks that all the way up to 11. I've heard stories of casters being set on fire in turn one of a game with running and an ancilliary attack from a vassal. The Reckoner is in the list as a secondary jack, and is more than capable of using the flare on its gun to offer an assist to the Judicator before a charge against a higher DEF enemy. On top of that the Reckoner is a powerful and versatile option in its own right.
Unlike the Kreoss list I had a good idea which objective I was planning to use with this list as soon as SR2015 hit. Fuel Cashe. This gives jacks starting their activation within 4" a free run or charge, helping with focus efficiency for Feora, who sometimes feels starved on key turns. But the real reason, if I'm honest is that I couldn't resist the thematic benefits of making a list where even the objective can set my enemy on fire!
These are the lists as they stand at the moment, though they are, of course, subject to change when they hit the board. My biggest concern at the moment is that the Feora list will be too large to get through on timed turns (that and the fact that I don't actually have a Saxon Orrik model yet). At the moment though these are two lists that I feel relatively confident with and am looking forward to using on the table. Hopefully I'll be able to report some success come February!
Nice feature bud!
ReplyDeleteWhy so concerned about time in the feora list? What's got you worried?
Just concerned about the number of bodies in the list bogging down my turns. Having said that the CMAs should help cut down on attack times. And realistically all the infantry need to do is march across the board and take longer to kill than my opponent can manage.
DeleteExactly, I think your just not used to that many bodies. It will just be a matter of practice, 30 models isn't that many all together, you'll get used to it :)