Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Mitsuharu on Bat Reps - Saeryn, Omen of Everblight vs Dr. Arkadius

Hi everyone and welcome to the latest battle report! This week my intended opponent wasn't able to make it in for our game. Luckily I managed to find an opponent from the people who'd turned up on the day. So I ended up playing my first game against Minions. Specifically against Thornfall Farrow. I'm still trying to get more competitive with my Saeryn list and so that's what I was set on using. The list's stayed the same:

Saeryn +5
-Angelius -9
-Angelius -9
-Scythean -9
-Scythean -9
-Raek -4
-Shredder -2
Foresaken -2
Foresaken -2
Deathstalker -2
Deathstalker -2
Spell Martyr -1
Spell Martyr -1
Maximum Spawning Vessel -3
Objective - Fuel Cashe

I feel like I've really tightened my game with her recently and my latest games have been much better with her. Nevertheless I still want to keep my practice up. 


My opponent considered his lists carefully but ended up deciding to play with Dr. Arkadius. He was playing in the new No Quarter tier list at tier 4. This included Targ, 2 Road Hogs, 2 War Hogs, 2 Gun Boars, 2 Gorax, a min unit of Bone Grinders and 6 (yes, 6) free Razor Boars. The scenario we were playing was Close Quarters. I lost the roll for the start of the game and so got to choose the board edge. I chose the side with a forest for Saeryn to lurk in near my flag, leaving a large forest blocking the Farrow deployment. 


The Farrow deployed with the Gorax, Warhogs and Arkadius centrally with the Bone Grinders at the rear. Then a Road Hog and Gun Boar deployed on each flank. The Razor Boars set up throughout the army. On my flank I deployed with the Scytheans near my own flag and the Angels opposite the other flag. Saeryn went down centrally with her support. 

Farrow Turn One

The Minions started by having basically everything running for free thanks to the tier. The War Hogs advanced up towards the forest in the middle of the board while the flanking elements moved out further around the outskirts. The Boars ran up in a screening line across the army. Arkadius put out Aggravator on himself. 

Legion: 0 Farrow: 0

Legion Turn One

On my own first turn I had Saeryn put Respawn on the closest Scythean and Banishing Ward on herself, before putting out Tenacity on the Raek. Then she moved up and popped her feat. Following that all of the other models in the battlegroup ran up, staying within her feat bubble. Except the Shredder who moved up and put out Tenacity on Saeryn. The Deathstalkers took a couple of pot shots at a Boar but not enough to seriously damage it. The Spell Martyrs ran up the flanks. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Farrow Turn Two

On the Farrow turn things were stymied by Saeryn's feat. To manage my army the Razor Boars all moved up to jam into my battlegroup. The Road Hogs advanced up on the flanks, one of them spraying down a Deathstalker, the other spraying the Boar and Angelius, setting them both on fire. The War Hogs advanced up further, having to move through and around the large forest. The Gun Boar near the Farrow flag shot my Foresaken and killed her on an ancillary attack from Targ, taking out a Pot attendant too, helping to fill up my pot for next turn. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Legion Turn Two

On my turn I had the Raek disentangle itself with a leap to engage both of the Boars tying up my Angels. It took its attacks and bought extras but didn't manage to kill either of them. On the other flank the farthest Scythean advanced to get the Gun Boar in its range while staying close enough to the boar engaging him and not take a free strike. It then proceeded to wipe out the light, but missed the Chain Attack. The other Scythean took all of its attacks on the Boars engaging it but only managed to kill one. That gave the pot the last token it needed to spawn a Stinger to be able to engage the boar that had been engaging the Raek. Saeryn channeled Breath Stealer through a Martyr onto the War Hog, seriously hobbling the heavy. She then used Blight Bringer on the Raek, but still didn't finish off either Boar. One of the Angels then stayed where it was, finishing off the Boar engaging it, and the other charged the Road Hog on that flank, seriously hurting it. The remaining Deathstalker advanced to engage the other Road Hog preventing it from reaching Saeryn who was camping nothing. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Farrow Turn Three

On the Farrow turn all of the Boars frenzied, attaking the models they were engaging. Meanwhile one of the Gorax activated to put out his animus on the Road Hog engaging the Angel. Both of the War Hogs continued towards my army, one slogging through the forest and the other tagged with Blight Bringer meaning they could barely move. The primal'd Road Hog used all of its attacks and an ancillary from Targ to take out the Angel thanks to the animus on it. The other Gorax moved up but was just short on the Primal for the other Road Hog. Arkadius then moved up and across towards the bulk of his army and put out Forced Evolution on the Road Hog thanks to the extended range from the Bone Grinders and used Psycho Surgery to heal up the beasts. Then he used his feat. Each of the Boars frenzied into the same targets as the start of the turn. The Road Hog that had taken out the Angel frenzied up and into the Raek, the total weight of attacks managing to finish it off. On the other, heavier flank the Road Hog frenzied into the Deathstalker to clear her from its path. The Gorax on that flank then frenzied into the Scythean to soften it up. Now clear, that Road Hog charged into the nearby Scythean using all of its attacks but managed to leave it with a single box, just coming up short on killing it. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Legion Turn Three

On my turn Saeryn upkept Banishing Ward and then paid two to heal the wounded Scythean back to functionality. The Foresaken, who'd been fully loaded last turn, hopped up to the Melee and let loose with her Blight, getting 6 dice on the Road Hog, softening it up nicely, as well as doing a couple of points to the Gorax and the Boar. The mostly dead Scythean then activated and took his revenge, destroying the Road Hog and hurting the Gorax some more. The Shredder went rabid to take out the boar engaging the other Scythean, killing it to free its charge into the exposed War Hog, managing to take it out and chain attack to finish off the Gorax. The pot spawned a Stinger to move up and engage the Boar that was a little too close to Saeryn. The remaining Angel then charged up and spiked the damage on the Road Hog, killing it with the Armour Pierce. Saeryn then channeled Breath Stealer, boosting the hit, into the remaining War Hog in the forest, meaning it could barely move next turn with the cumulative penalties. Satisfied but not stupid she moved back and toe in on the forest to stay as safe as possible. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Farrow Turn Four

It was reaching a point where we'd both attritioned down with not much left on the table. Looking at the board it was clear that my Scytheans had to die or they'd get to Arkadius. Because of the speed debuffs, though, it was hard to achieve that. Luckily the Boar in the rear of the wounded Scythean frenzied and finally killed the heavy. Arkadius himself then walked into Melee with the remaining Scythean and tapped it with a mind control needle, forcing it to shamble over with its back to the War Hog. The remaining Gorax used its animus to buff up the War Hog who then managed to beat down the Scythean from almost full to very dead. The gun boar took some pot shots on the pot managing to dink it for a few points. The Bone Grinders then ran up to try and screen Arkadius. 

Farrow: 0 Legion: 0

Legion Turn Four 

On my turn Arkadius was definitely exposed. I reeved in my Fury and then allowed the two lessers to frenzy, managing to finish off the boar they were engaging. This filled up the pot who put out a Harrier to fly into the boar engaging the Angel, managing to clear it off thanks to animus and charge. Saeryn then moved up and flicked a knife into Arkadius to deny the transfers. I had the shot from the Angel to finish him off but first I blasted him with a double boosted Hellfire. The dice exploded, though, and finished off Arkadius herself. 


This was a fun game and a hard attrition match up with loads of dead heavies on both sides. It felt like the game swung pretty heavily each turn as each of us got a lot of work done. The tier list benefits for Arkadius are really pretty great. The primal from the Gorax helps to power up the Farrow beasts to a much more threatening level. The free run and the extra 2" mean you have pigs jammed down your face really early. Plus the free Razor Boars proved a real pain in the ass to clear off. By the end of the game I still hadn't killed them all! I feel like I made good use of Saeryn's tool box this game, using pretty much every trick at her disposal to wrangle out the win. Good thing too otherwise it wasn't looking too good for me with only an Angel and some lights left for me! Luckily I managed to pull it out though!

In another couple of weeks I'll be starting into the Journeyman League at my LGS so expect a whole bunch of reports from that soon! And more in the meantime, of course!

As always thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out the Facebook page and 'like' for regular post updates, photos and more at www.facebook.com/Mitsuharuonminis 


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