Monday, 15 June 2015

Mitsuharu on Bat Reps - Learning Legion Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight vs. The Harbinger of Menoth

Hey gang, welcome back to another battle report. This week I managed to get a game in with one of the developing players in our local meta. I decided this week to give my 'competitive' Thagrosh list from CitTM a try. It was made up of:

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight +5
-Succubus -2
-Angelius -9
-Angelius -9
-Carnivean -11
-Naga Nightlurker -5
-Shredder -2
-Shredder -2
Foresaken -2
Foresaken -2
Max Warspears -8
-Warspear Chieftan -2
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew -1
Objective - Fuel Cashe

This is a potentially very hard hitting list that can take advantage of Thagrosh's spells and abilities well, so I was interested in trying it out. Liam, who I was playing, had constructed his list on the fly, as he had been better prepared for a 35 point game. He was also playing Menoth, which meant that in addition to my overall experience edge I was also intimately familiar with his faction too! The list that he built was Harbinger with two Repenters, a Templar, a Vanquisher, a Heirophant, an Exemplar Seneschal, a Paladin of the Wall, the Covenant of Menoth, a maximum choir of Menoth, a maximum unit of Cinerators and a maximum unit of Errants. The game we were playing was Close Quarters and I won the roll to go first. I deployed with most of my force to the right of centre, while the Menoth bunched up in the centre of the board. I had the Warspears Prey the Cinerators. 

On my turn I ran everyone up the board, with Thagrosh, the Succubus and the Shredders putting out defensive spells and animi across the board. The Orgrun got Draconic Strength and then the Gobbers let out their cloud to cover Thagrosh and the Naga and I hunkered down to take Harbinger's feat. 

On his turn Liam had most of his stuff run forwards, taking a big chunk of board space. The Harbinger then feated and charged up the board, contacting the back of her heavy jacks before she got too far, catching my army in her feat. 

On my turn I couldn't do very much without taking a POW 14. So I didn't. The Carnivean stood still to aim and took out a couple of the Errants, boosting to hit against all four hit. Similarly the Angelii took pot shots at the nearest Cinerator, but despite their poor defence one missed and the other failed to crack armour. Thagrosh kicked out a couple more defensive animi without moving forwards. The Warspears shuffled to the right of the board, getting more distance around the forest on that flank then the Gobbers made another cloud. 

On his turn Liam had the Errants move up and take some shots at the Angelius and Carnivean with their crossbows but didn't hit the Angelius and didn't wound the Carnivean. A couple of them did manage to wound the Warspear UA but not enough to kill him. In his rush to get the Errants up the board he'd forgotten to allocate any focus this turn and so simply had the heavy jacks advance up the board, with a Repenter missing a shot on the Angelius and the Vanquisher deviating a shot that hit the Angelius but did no damage. The Cinerators and the Paladin continued plodding up their flank. Harbinger moved up to just behind her Jacks and used Purification to clear off my spells. 

On my turn I had the Carnivean advance onto the nearby hill and had him spray the Errants, killing a couple. The Foresaken moved up and used its blight bomb to hit all of the Errants but only succeeded in killing one or two. Thagrosh moved up and put Draconic Strength on an Angelius and put Fog back out. The Naga moved up and took a shot at Harbinger but missed. The Angelius then charged Harbinger through the forest, but thanks to Awe he missed the boosted armour pierce charge attack as well as the second attack he bought. Not what I wanted. The other Angelius charged a Cinerator but missed its charge attack too. The Warspears trudged up towards the Cinerators. Meanwhile the Foresaken jogged up and ate up the Cinerator Angelius' Fury. 

On his turn Liam put two focus on the Templar, and one each on the Repenters. He then started with Harbinger, using Purification to clear off my defensive abilities and then cast crusader's call. The positioning of the jacks meant that while I had reach on Harbinger her 0.5" melee couldn't get the Angelius back. The Templar then took a swing on the Angelius but missed all three of his attacks. The Vanquisher also took a swing but missed too. The dice were not friendly this game. The Repenter to my left charged the Carnivean, hitting but failing to damage his high ARM. On the other flank the other Repenter sprayed on the Angelius engaging the Cinerator but missed. The Cinerators then charged the Angelius, getting two on it in addition to the one already engaging it. Two of them hit its high DEF and did a reasonable amount of damage, crippling body and most of mind on the beast. The paladin tried to charge it too, but positioned to take a free strike that killed him. The choir moved up and put passage on the jacks since he'd forgotten to use battle at the start of the turn. 

On my turn I had the Naga advance to clear out the two Errants contesting my flag. Thagrosh moved up to dominate the flag and put Draconic Strength back on the Angelius and then threw out some Defensive animi. Then the Angelius went and this time it managed to hit the boosted armour pierce attack. With Harby not camping anything this reduced her armour to 7, putting me at dice +9 for the attack. I boosted the damage roll and killed her with the single attack, winning the game. 

This was an interesting game where both of us seemed to have pretty bad luck with our dice throughout. I like the list, but I think I deployed the Warspears poorly as they ended up having no impact on the game itself. I also learned that the Succubus doesn't have fearless, despite being a godless four-armed dragon woman herself and apparently can't get too close to a forsaken without crying like a little baby Nyss girl and then running away. Not that I'm bitter or anything. 

I'm looking forward to using this list again next week and seeing if I can get some more use out of all of the pieces in there. 

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